Tag Archives: Christmas 2008


I drove the kids up to see their Mom this weekend. They got their Christmas presents. They both got shirts which they’ve been wearing when they get home from school, since they can’t actually wear the shirts to school, because they aren’t part of their uniform. They both got several toys and other assorted things as well. I remember seeing that Eddy got some Dragon Ball Z figures, but these ones are bigger than normal. These are like 8″ figures. Usually the figures he’s gotten before were smaller than this. Patty got a clothes hamper that looks like a pig. I would have taken some pictures or something, so that I’d be able to remember everything that they got, but I thought why take pictures of toys?

I guess they all went for a walk as well and had a good time.

New Pictures

I went ahead and put the pictures up for Christmas 2008 here in our house in Akron. It’s a great set of pictures. I managed to get Eddy, Patty, and even one of Grandma. I probably should have taken more, but I was exhausted and I think I did a pretty decent job.

I still have one more picture to add, and that is when Michelle finally opens her gift that is still here waiting.

Merry Christmas

Christmas is here and we managed to get through it. The kids got just about everything they asked for, and I think from their reactions opening their presents that they made out pretty well. This was the first Christmas that I insisted that they change out of their pajamas and into some decent clothes for the picture, which I’ll probably put up soon.

We were invited over to my sister Becky’s house for dinner. Her husband and her two kids were there, so it was a house full with us all there. We exchanged gifts and had a really great dinner and we will be getting the pictures from them, and I’ll probably put some of them up here as well.

It was a good Christmas. I’m really thankful for how everything turned out here at the end of the year. I’m really grateful for making it through another year without too many problems. Things are good. I hope everything is going well for everyone else.