Things You See Around Akron

I was posting pretty regularly about how I was riding my bike to class as well as other places and sharing the trip data here. The problem is that every time I want to do that I have to go to two different sites, upload the data, and that way I would have all my information on the sites that I want to have it on. I know I explained all of this in an earlier post. Since Garmin has not actually taken the steps to make those trips exportable to WordPress, or any other format that I would be able to post here, I have not really felt as though it was worth the effort to keep doing that.

I did continue to ride my bike for the duration of summer classes. I decided to go around Akron and take some pictures of the sites that I have seen. The kids came along as well. I do not have class for several more weeks and I wanted to take a picture of some of these places before I forgot. Summer classes being over and is a huge relief and it is time to maybe laugh at some of the things I have seen. On a side note I had originally promised myself that I would continue to at least go to the yoga class at the recreation center, but I have failed miserably at getting motivated to attend that class twice a week.

This business is actually still in operation. Maybe that is not a good reason to take a picture of it, but I thought it was just really interesting. This business almost embodies how I feel about Akron. I have passed it several times and have personally witnessed employees doing… something. I do not know what this business does and the name of the business is something of a puzzle.

This is the stadium that while I will probably never actually attend a game in this stadium for the 2009 football season I am sure that it will make finding parking a living nightmare. The University of Akron intends on adding more parking and they have certainly started construction that would achieve that goal, but I doubt that I will personally benefit from any of it.

I probably should not have even taken a picture of this one. This is right off a main street near downtown and you can clearly see that someone wrote an explicative on the billboard. Yes, that is an arrow going to the corner of Hannity’s mouth. No, I do not know why they did this, and honestly I want to know how they got up there. The funny part is it was probably the work of drunk college kids. I should just be glad nobody died climbing up there for such a dumb joke.

I really saved the best picture for last. This picture really needs no explanation, because while the joke might be sort of dumb it is completely worth it.

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