Baseball Game

Eddy got free tickets to see the Akron Aero’s play this past Saturday, because he served on Safety Patrol. Patty did the same thing when she was in the elementary school. To sum up what they do the kids get to school early, put on a bright yellow florescent strap that goes around their waist and shoulder, they also have a badge that goes on it, and they escort other kids across the street. It is a great little pick me up for the kids, but they don’t seem to have anything like it at the middle school.

Eddy’s time to retire came here in the last two weeks of school, because that is when they start to train the 4th graders who will be on Safety Patrol next year. Patty did not really finish the year out, because she had a bit of a problem with waking up on time, but Eddy did, and he does not mind getting to sleep in for the next few weeks. With the weather as nice as it has been he has even rode his bike to school.

I would have taken them to the game, but their Mom came and picked them up for the weekend, so she took them instead. What worked out great is that he got four tickets so Michelle could go too. I guess they had a good time, until about 2 hours in where the Aero’s were losing by a bunch and the kids had enough of baseball for a day. I guess their Mom took pictures, and if I ever get those I’ll go ahead and put them up here.

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