New School Year

The new school year is upon us and the kids are excited and mostly tired. Eddy started 8th grade at St. Paul, which means that he will be going through Confirmation this year. He has already attended the first Confirmation function, which was a bowling outing in Cuyahoga Falls. He is looking to get involved in after school activities or sports this year. He has been riding his bike to school, which is really cool. It really is a big help only having to drive one kid to school, at least until the weather turns.

Patty started the new school year as a freshman at Archbishop Hoban High School. She has a new uniform. She has a great deal of homework. She is meeting a great many new people and entering into a much larger school than St. Paul. She is looking at joining clubs and after school activities. She has to sell some raffle tickets and get 10 hours of community service. It is a lot of work. She is learning all about time management.

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