Tag Archives: Stupid Stuff

Independence Day

I just found out that the phone on my camera was set to take pictures as a pretty small size, so all the pictures I have from the 4th of July fireworks in downtown Akron are 320×240, which is hardly good enough even to show on the site, but I am going to do it anyway. I don’t really have a choice since these are all the pictures I have. I probably would have made another entry on my pictures page if I had taken my camera.

The fireworks were actually pretty awesome. I took Tim with us, since he was coming over anyway to play Xbox 360 and watch a movie. We got ice cream at a convenience store downtown and some sandwiches from Burger King, since I didn’t have time to get the kids dinner at home.

The fireworks were not the only show to be had. There was another disturbance which led to a whole crowd of people running down the street, thankfully not trampling us underneath them, as the police chased some guys who obviously did something stupid. The guy tried to hurdle a curb, but tripped. Guess he should have pulled his pants up.
