Tag Archives: Storm

Bike Ride to Storm’s House

I decided to take a bike ride today, because I was feeling kind of restless. It was nothing like most of my trips as far as distance goes, but I feel like even though the bike ride was relatively short I got a lot out of it going on such a hot and humid day.

I went over to Storm’s house and taking Brown Street was a good idea, because there is a bike lane all the way up to his house for the most part, so that worked out pretty well. While I was there we watched some videos and I looked at some pictures of when he was in Iraq. He has this video of him chasing a little tornado in a pickup truck. It is sort of hilarious.

I decided, as I often do, not to go home the way I went there. There was a bike lane for most of the trip back. If you look at the speed I managed to get going kind of fast going down a hill by my house. It was fun.