Update: Crackdown 2 and Where Have I Been?

I went to my doctor’s appointment, and this was the last one. There are no other options for me to pursue really as nobody will do anything for my hand. I have been told now that since the bone is at the angle it is it is rubbing against the soft tissue in my hand and that is why I still have discomfort in my hand, the pinky finger doesn’t want to go out straight, and I have swelling. The doctor actually said that if something had been done earlier and he eluded to the angle it is at. The only thing I can do now is possibly talk to a lawyer concerning the mistreatment I received. I do not know if I am going to take that route, but it is really my only option now that I have been told that having a lump on top of my hand and limited motion is just how it is now.

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