Awesome Night

I had a pretty awesome night. I had a lot of friends over, and one new person I had never met before. Her name is Kate, I think? I messaged everyone this morning to find out her name, because honestly I forgot, and it turns out nobody else remembers either. So, I’ll just call her Kate for right now, and if I’m wrong I’ll be corrected later.

On to who was here. Melissa and Rick came up from Columbus. They picked up Tim for me. Tim brought Rock Band 2 and his real guitar and amp. Andrew came over with Kate, who is a friend of his from World of Warcraft. Anthony showed up. Jo came with his laptop and assorted gadgets. Derek came with his real guitar and amp as well. Renee was here, left for bowling, and came back.

Rick and Jo tried to fix Patty’s television. I’m glad they tried, I just wish it had been successful. They also played World of Warcraft together. It seems like people pair up at these things. Everyone picks someone to do everything with.

With this many people I had to get creative with the parking. I parked Derek’s car in the driveway of the abandoned house across the street. I ended up putting Anthony’s car in the front yard. I had to pull the car into the back yard, then pull the van up into that spot, move Melissa’s car back, move the van to that spot, and then move my car back to where it was.

We all played Rock Band. That used to be the whole reason we all got together and now it’s just something else to do. I noticed Tim, Anthony, and even myself just jumping on and playing some solo when everyone else was doing something else.

Derek and Tim spent a lot of time watching Youtube and playing guitar. I guess Tim was teaching Derek some stuff. They were watching Youtube video’s of other people playing guitar. They also had some program for learning guitar on there, but I don’t really remember what it was.

Andrew and Kate left, and we all went to Chinese. It was a great idea. We all went through what Chinese sign we are on the place mat. Then we all laughed about how entirely inaccurate it was, which of course is inherently insulting. Anthony’s sign said he was “intelligent” and mine was that I was “articulate”. It’s good fun. We named the chicken on a stick “Bob”, because we don’t believe it was really chicken and Bob is the homeless guy that showed up to my door a few weeks ago and was looking for a handout. I don’t think anyone’s drink got tampered with. We all ate a ton of food and continued the party.

There was a lot of trading and the purchasing of objects. Jo bought an external CD-ROM thing from Rick, I got mobile AIM from Jo, and Andrew finally got his assorted bag of computer parts that he left at a LAN about a month ago back.


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