Time Flies

I know that I have not been here to post an update in a little while, so I am going to go ahead and put what is going on at this time. It is not terribly exciting, and while I do think that there are a few more memorable moments coming up before the year ends, the next month at least will probably not be one to remember.

The first thing is that I started my student teaching. I have been there for over a month now. I have a great mentor teacher and the school is pretty cool too. I am glad that I did not end up in some of the schools that I have done my observation in. In about two weeks I will be teaching five classes by myself. I have to draft up the lesson plans, make the copies, assign and grade everything, and generally teach. I am getting tired just thinking about it all. It is fairly hard work when so many other things are going on.

What are those other things? For starters I just got the progress reports (they are calling them interim reports, which I have never heard them referred to that before) and the children are not doing so well. The main problem is that they do not seem to be doing their homework. I know from the classes that I am teaching this is something that drives me nuts. I am faced with students all day who did not turn in their homework and come to me wanting to make it up and I come home to the exact same thing.

I told the kids they need to get on it. From now on I do not think I am going to let the kids make up work. I am getting tired of them slacking off and not doing what they are supposed to and expecting to just make it all up.

Not a generally happy update, and I do not have any pictures that I really care to share right now, but maybe next time I will.

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