Adventures in Asian Food

I got something from the Asian Market from Krhainos, because that is what he does, because he knows I love Asian food. It is sort of ridiculous how much I love this stuff.

This is what he brought me. I mean he brought other things, but this was the most interesting I think. There is also these little shots that are supposed to be all the vitamins and stuff as a whole cup of yogurt, but that is not very exciting. It is a microwave meal. Apparently made for one. I decided to take it apart and enjoy the contents.

First thing I have to say is that it was the hotest thing I have eaten in a while. It wasn’t “Asian hot” which is typically how people describe something being hot with no real flavor – just a great deal of hot. It was more “Mexican hot” and I am sure that this can be attributed to the fact that I mixed a sauce with chili peppers into this meal.

It was pretty good. I wish I had access to a microwave at the University, because I would probably eat one of these things between classes.


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