Firestone Park

My brother, Adam, has been staying with us for a few months. He brought along his dog, Shadow, and we have been spending time taking it on walks. Going to Firestone Park with the kids, Adam, and Shadow is a great way to spend a few hours. It is close enough to walk to and there is plenty of open space. It seems watching them play that I really should have gotten them a dog when they were younger. It was always “too expensive” and I “didn’t have time”.

It is far too late now. I would be getting a dog for myself at this point. Patty is heading to college in Cleveland this year and Eddy is going to be a senior. They really seem to all enjoy just chasing the dog around and playing fetch. Maybe when they grow up they will get married, have kids, and get a dog. I am sure from spending the last six months with a dog they realize how cool that would be.

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