Patty’s Confirmation

I really do not know what happened here. This event actually occurred earlier this year. I honestly thought that the pictures and the event were already recorded on this website, and it became painfully obvious of my oversight when Eddy’s confirmation was taking place and I could not find anything. There was quite a bit of panic at first, because the pictures could not be found. The pictures have been found and I will do my best to recollect Patty’s Confirmation at St. Paul’s Parish.

It took weeks to find a dress and shoes for Patty’s Confirmation. It was very trying, as Patty had very high standards for what she would accept. Her Aunt Becky, and her sponsor, was a life saver in this respect as she took her out and found her the dress and the shoes for the Confirmation. She looked very pretty in her dress and shoes with heels. Patty took the confirmation name “Felicity” after Saint Felicity who is the patron saint of Mother’s. She took that name, because it is the same as her Grandmother’s.

When the Confirmation had concluded we had fruit punch and cake in the basement of St. Paul’s. That was good and then Becky insisted we all go out to dinner together. It was a very good end to a day of celebrating Patty’s Confirmation.

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