Rock Band 2

Jo, Tim, Trewr, and Codex all came over to play Rock Band 2. They are supposed to come over tomorrow as well. I’m pretty impressed with it, but it seems that they changed a lot regarding how the drums work. The notes were completely different than anything I had seen on the original, even on songs that were supposed to be “warmup” or “easy”. Be interesting to get into it more and see if I could get the hang of it.

I do enjoy quite a few songs that were picked for Rock Band 2. I mean, there are always going to be some ridiculously hard songs in these kinds of games, but there is a very large selection of songs to choose from now. That is when you consider that you can transfer all the songs (I know except for 3) from the original Rock Band on to the hard drive and play those while you are playing Rock Band 2.

I took some pictures of them with the camera on my phone. I’m not sure I like how they came out, and I think I’m going to have to play with the phone a bit to get the pictures to look better.


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